God’s Children

“That there are no random acts. That we are all connected. That you can no more separate one life from another than you can separate a breeze from the wind.” This quote from The Five People You Meet in Heaven may seem very complicated yet it is simple. I believe this quote is referring to the fact that we are all God’s children. We cross paths with strangers every day, although we may not know them they are still our brothers and sisters. We are all connected through our faith. Everyone is your family; God is all of our father.

There are no random acts, everything happens for a reason. God is our light, and we must follow him to safety. He guides us and makes sure we do the right thing. Helping people is why we were put on this planet. There can be no random acts, if you help someone you will get that help back one day. We help people because the lord tells us to, because we feel it is right to help those in need. God is our lord and savior, our father, we must make him proud and prove ourselves as his children.